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Visual Healing Mediation

Sit comfortably with your art piece at eyes level with you.

When ready, place your hands gently on your stomach and take in a deep breath in through your noise, feel the breath as it goes into your stomach, hold the breath in your stomach for a few seconds, then slowly release through the mouth. Take in three to five deep breaths releasing any tension in the body and then bring your breathing back to its normal rhythm.

Breathing normally and your hands resting comfortably, consciously soften your eyes and gently gaze into the centre of the painting. Start with the symbol, noticing its curves and shape and how the colours have flowed over its shape. Slowly start expanding outwards of the symbol, noticing the colours as they blend into each other, the different layers of colour and each cell formation. Keep going until you get the feeling you know the painting and symbol in its entirety.

Sit in silence for a while and allow time for the image of the painting to deepen within your mind. Really allow the image to fill the mind’s entire capacity for concentration, dropping into the image so that only the artwork exists. If you drift off, bring your mind gently back to the painting.  The painting will give you the sense of love and inner peacefulness.

Slowly come back and give thanks for the emotional healing you have just received.

Art for the Heart & Soul

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