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Original & Unique Art by Mary Hutter

In this virtual space I give inspiration and artwork to assist you in life's journey.

Art for the Heart & Soul

"Be Kind, always, to yourself and every living thing"

Introduction about my Artwork

The aim of my paintings is to bring some peace and love into the world.

The formation of the cells symbolizes the 'living cells of life'. Everything that is living is made up of cells.  Cells carry messages throughout the body via electrochemical signals. These signals are passed between brain cells to every cell in the body. Having positive experiences is vitality important for us because it helps improve our mental and physical health. This gave me the vision to create cells within my artwork, by using a layer's technique they have vibrancy and appear to be flowing and moving. The natural formation of the cell and colours are inspired by nature and mother earth, and is sending the message of wellbeing, positivity and joy.

The Angelic and healing symbols in my artwork carry 'Divine Connections', they infuse the energy of love and healing into a space. Each symbol has a specific message to its viewer. Symbols hold energy and also act as methods of transmitting energy. I energize and infuse reiki healing into each piece of artwork I create. This flow of energy creates the elements of healing, harmony, rhythm and balance in each piece. This is universal energy, unlimited and released forever within the artwork. 
On the completion of each piece a blessing of love, peace and joy is given. They are all created from the heart with love. 



Using the Artwork in Meditation

Meditation is an
 age-old practice and has become one of the most popular ways to relieve stress among people of all walks of life.

There are many health benefits to incorporating visualization meditation practices into your daily life. Some of these benefits include lowering stress, improving immune function, and slowing mental aging.
 Your physical and emotional stress can melt away by learning to calm your body and mind.

Resting the mind and body is our natural way for the body and mind to heal.  I've created a mediation that can be used with my artwork, but you can simply use this meditation by looking at anything that is pleasing to you.


Art Work - Available Soon

Being kind to our environmental and ourselves by using products that won’t harm you or the environment. I am very conscious about reuse and recycle products to minise waste.

My preferred art supply company is Global Colours, as their products are all Australian made, are ethical and of excellent quality. They state, we are committed to making a safer planet for people, the environment and animals alike. Our products are made with love for both animals and people – exclusively vegan and never tested on any creatures! 

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Reiki is Love. Love is wholeness, Wholeness is balance, Balance is wellbeing, Wellbeing is freedom from dis-ease

~ Dr Mikao Usui


Healing is a grace that is given, its available to everyone.

It doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from, where you live, what you look like, what you believe, think or do, every human has the same value and is deserving of the same opportunities.

Creating a world that is fair for everyone is up to all of us. We can help by looking out for each other, showing one another respect, and thinking about the different ways others may experience the world.

There is no separation or division in anything in life, there is only unity and completeness. 

We can start by simply acknowledge strangers with a smile - you don't need to engage in conversation, just a smile.  You will be amazed how much joy this will give you.  

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"Inner Peace"

Art for the Heart & Soul

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